Education theorists
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- Created by: Chelsea01110
- Created on: 30-05-18 13:50
Feinstein- Class difference (external)
Language- Found that educated parents use challanging langauge with their children
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Bernstein-Class difference (external)
Speech Code- working class use restricted speech code limitted with simple sentence. Elaborated speech code- used by middle class complex and grammatically correct
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Douglas-Class difference (external)
Parents education- Working class place less value on education and parenting style is less encouraging and middle class paranets have better educational bahavour (Read to students) use their income to help their students
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Sugarman-Class difference (external)
Working class subculture- four parts Fatalism, collectivism, seeking imedate gratification, present tiem orination
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Nell Kedie-
'Myth of cultral deprivation' failure of the school is blamed on the cultrally deprived backgrounds
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Bourdieu-Class difference (internal)
three types of capital- cultral, educational and economic capitial
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Becker-Class difference (internal)
Labelling- studied 60 Chicago high school teachers judiing students on house closley they fitted the image of the ideal pupil
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Rosenthal and Jacobson-Class difference (internal)
self-fulfilling- carried out speicaily designed test to identify students who would spurt but was just an IQ test. picked 20% at random and said they woudl spurt and came b ack and found almost half hada year later
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Gilborn and Youdell-Class difference (internal)
streaming- A-C economy using sterotupes to sort who will succeed. educational triage those who will pass are left to it those who arent are hopeless cases and help those who are almsot at passing to pass
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Lacey-Class difference (internal)
Pupil subcultures- differenation (catigorising pupil on their perceived ability like streaming) Polarisation (response to streaming moving to a pro or anti school subculture)
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Ball-Class difference (internal)
Abolishion of streaming- favoured mixed ability groups to reduce subcultures
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woods-Class difference (internal)
pupil response to streaming and labeling- intergartion ( being teachers pet) ritaulism( going through the motions stay out of trouble) retreatism ( day dreaming and mucking about) rebellion (rejecting school subcultures outright)
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Archer et al- Ethnic difference in achievement (external)
Nike identity- fidn self worthand status in investing heavily in style and brands.
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Engleman- Ethnic difference in achievement (external)
language spoken by low income black americans is inaducate for educational sucess
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Sewell- Ethnic difference in achievement (external)
Farther, gangs and subcultures- absensce of a father figure leads to black boys under achieveing. they search for this father figure in gangs and becoem part of a ganag anti school subculture
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Lupton- Ethnic difference in achievement (external)
Asian families- adult authority in Asain familes is a similair stricture to that in shools. respect from adults to children was expect and adults therefoer supported the school
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Driver- Ethnic difference in achievement (external)
critise cultural deprivation theorist- ignores the postive effetcs of ethncity on education. black Caribean families are postive for girls as they have strong postiev role models
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Palmer- Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
Material deprivation and class- almost half of all ethnci minority children live in low incoem households
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Gilborn and Youdell-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
Black pupils and discipline- teacher were quicker to discipline black pupils than white pupils for the same misbehavour.
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Archer-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
three types of pupil identites- ideal pupil (white middle class normal sexuality) petholigised pupil ( Asian deserving poor who is asexual over achiever) demonsied pupil ( black or white working class hyper sexualised idenity uninteligent)
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Fuller-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
rejecting negative labels- studied group of black girls in a London Comprehensive school who were intelgent reject sterotype succeeded but didnt look like they were putting any effort in and only did there work and no more
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Mirza-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
Three type of teacher racism- colour blind ( believe all pupils are equal bit in practice allow racism) liberal chauvinist ( believe black pupils are cultrally deprived and have low expectations of them) overt racist (believe black people are infior)
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sewell-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
boys response- rebels (most visable reject the gaols and rules of the schools in anti school subcultures) conformists ( largest groups accpet the schools goals) retreatists ( minotirty that isolate themselves)inovators(pro educations but anti school)
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Gillborn-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
Marketisation- allows schools go be more selective over there pupils
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Gilborn-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
black boys under achievement- due to institional racism and internal racism
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Ball-Ethnic difference in achievement (internal)
Ethnocentric curriculum- histiory promotes little Englandism little Asian or black history
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Gorard-Gender differences in achievement (internal)
GCSE and course work- coursework was introduced and the gap in gender achievement increased in favour of the girls
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Archer-Gender differences in achievement (internal)
female peer groups- girls police their peer group. had to be feminen. Either idealized feminien identity- loyality to the group or sexualised identify- competetion for boys
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Mac an Ghaill-Gender differences in achievement (internal)
Male Gaze- they way men look at women is sexualised and look down on them. if the men dont they could be seen as gay
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Althusser- Marxist perspective (role of education in society)
two state apparatus- repressive state apparatus ( maintain rule by force or police) or ideologcal state appartus ( controls peoples ideas, values and beliefs through education)
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Bowels and Gintis- Marxist perspective (role of education in society)
captialism requires a work force to do alinating work and school produces this. myth of meritocracy you dont get rewards for the effort you put in the middle class will always be on top
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Chubb and Moe- New right perspective (role of education in society)
Marketisation of schools create competion meaning worse schools will die out
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Durkheim- Functionalist perspective (role of education in society)
social solidarity and skills- poeple need to feel liek they are part of a bigger group. school is society in minature so teaches you the skilsl for life
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Parsons-Functionalist perspective (role of education in society)
Meritocracy- school is a bridge to to the bigger world. schools judges us like society and we get status through our own merit
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Davis and Moore-Functionalist perspective (role of education in society)
Role allocation- school selects and allocate pupils work roles
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Gerwitz- Education policy
Types of choosers- parents choice in education middel class are priviledge choosers. disconnected choosers are working class and working class who have high asperations for ther childrens are semi skilled choosers
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Barlett- Education policy
Cream skimming and slit shifting
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Ball- Education policy
Parentocracy- marketisation gives parents more choice on where their children go but its a myth as its not equal for everyone
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Bernstein-Class difference (external)
Speech Code- working class use restricted speech code limitted with simple sentence. Elaborated speech code- used by middle class complex and grammatically correct
Card 3
Douglas-Class difference (external)
Card 4
Sugarman-Class difference (external)
Card 5
Nell Kedie-
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