Edexcel Music AS 2016 'Summertime' 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Music'Summertime' by George GerschwinASEdexcel Created by: weldon98Created on: 15-05-16 16:00 Melody - played in the Clarinet in Bar 8 (minor thirds) BluesNotes 1 of 40 Melody - used in the melody line e.g. bars 7-10 MinorPentatonicScale 2 of 40 Melody - vocal melody structure ABAC 3 of 40 Melody - Mixture of ----- (Bars 7-8) and --------- movement LeapsChromatic 4 of 40 Melody - Interval of a ----- is central to the shapes of the melody (Bars 7-8) Third 5 of 40 Rhythm - Cross rhythms involving -------- in quavers and crochets support the lullaby feel (Bar 12 in the instruments) Triplets 6 of 40 Rhythm - Rhythmic flexibility of ---- --- ----- (Bars 35-37) JazzandBlues 7 of 40 Rhythm - Music off-beat feel. Used in vocals (e.g. Bar 31) Syncopation 8 of 40 Rhythm - Notated as ---- ----- but mostly feels like a 4/4 metre throughout AllaBreve 9 of 40 Rhythm - ----- -------- matches the rocking motion of the lullaby in orchestra (Bar 18) MinimMovement 10 of 40 Harmony - ----- notes open and close the piece (Bars 3-6 and 44-46) Pedal 11 of 40 Harmony - much --------- colouration Chromatic 12 of 40 Harmony - ------- bar blues sequence used (e.g. Bars 7-22) Sixteen 13 of 40 Harmony - Parallel movement of ----- ----- chords MinorSixth 14 of 40 Harmony - Avoidance of conventional ------- cadences Perfect 15 of 40 Structure - The beginning from bars 1-6 Introduction 16 of 40 Structure - follows the introduction VerseOne 17 of 40 Structure - follows Clue 17 VerseTwo 18 of 40 Structure - the end of the piece Coda 19 of 40 Structure - the vocal melody structure ABAC 20 of 40 Texture - ----- Notes (Bars 3-7) Pedal 21 of 40 Texture - Mainly ---------- Homophonic 22 of 40 Texture - Briefly ---------- in the octaves playing in the passage at the beginning (Bars 6-7) Monophonic 23 of 40 Texture - Violin --------- line (Bar 28) Obbligato 24 of 40 Texture - ----- chords (Bars 7-24) Block 25 of 40 Style - A ------- Lullaby 26 of 40 Style - One of the most ------- songs of all time Popular 27 of 40 Style - From a '---- -----' FolkOpera 28 of 40 Style - Extremely influenced by -------- (-) -------- musical styles AfricanAmerican 29 of 40 Style - Influenced by --- --- ----- TinPanAlley 30 of 40 Tonality - - ----- with no modulations BMinor 31 of 40 Tonality - Played in the Clarinet in Bar 8 (minor thirds) BluesNotes 32 of 40 Tonality - See Clue 12 for the first word of this Clue. Song is rich with --------- --------- (e.g. Bar 12) ChromaticHarmonies 33 of 40 Tonality - ---------- --- ------- minor scale shapes (e.g. Bars 7-10) PentatonicAndNatural 34 of 40 Tonality - Non(-)--------- progressions Cadential 35 of 40 Forces - Fairly limited range for an opera of an ------- (F#-F#) Octave 36 of 40 Forces - Vocals ------ the string harmonies at a higher pitch (Bar 32) Double 37 of 40 Forces - ---- string textures from main part of accompaniment throughout Lush 38 of 40 Forces - Vocal --------- --- ------------- (e.g. Bar 22) GlissandiAndAcciaccaturas 39 of 40 Forces - ---------- ----- of an octave to and from a high 'B' near the end (Not written on the actual score) PortamentoSlide 40 of 40
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