Decleration of War- support from all factions of society, "Our sense of loyalty is inherent and unswerving"
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Indians enlisted in addition to the regular army by November 1918
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Indians died serving for England in WW1
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£146 million
Amount India raised during the war period- 1/2 from war loans
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Increased taxation due war, inflation, fuel shortages: prices for essentials doubled, imported goods tripled
led to sporadic localised distrubances: in 1918 food riots/ looting in Delhi, violence
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Textile, Iron, Steel and Sugar, engineering and chemicals industries expanded due to lack of imported goods
share increases from 6% to 30% in 1917 in some areas.
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Turkey enters war
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Turkey enters war
At war with muslim power, some Desertions from muslim units on the Western front, 3 mutinites when believed they were going to fight the Turks
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Limited military manpower, due to fighting on 3 fronts
March 1915 not one regular English battalion left in India, Viceroy Hardinge: "Position a gamble".
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Re-unification of Bengal
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Lucknow Pact 1916
Agreement between groups: Muslims have a fixed number of seats reserved in an Indian parliament & extra seats where in a minority in return for fewer seats where in Majority, (Similar to British assurance gained from 1906 Simla deputation)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Indians enlisted in addition to the regular army by November 1918
Card 3
Indians died serving for England in WW1
Card 4
Amount India raised during the war period- 1/2 from war loans
Card 5
led to sporadic localised distrubances: in 1918 food riots/ looting in Delhi, violence
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