Economics Key Terms 5.5 0.0 / 5 ? Business Studies & EconomicsTopic 5.5 Is there any other help? Key termsGCSEEdexcel Created by: MeghnaCreated on: 26-05-14 11:34 38106215974 Across 1. where all restrictions to trade have been abolished between countries who are members within the European Union, creating free trade within the European Union (6, 8, 6) 4. organisations that aim to produce a surplus of income over expenses to promote a good cause (9) 5. where a person cannot afford the basics of life such as food, shelter and clothes (8, 7) 6. any barriers excluding that are designed to restrict trade and limit the amount of imports entering a country (3, 6, 8) 7. a level of income usually defined by the government of international body, below which a person would not be able to afford many of the goods and services seen as essentials of a decent standard of living (7, 4) 8. the exchange of goods and services between countries (13, 5) 9. the exchange of goods and services between countries where there are no restrictions (4, 5) 10. the reduction or cancellation of debt that LEDCs owe to either the World Bank or Developed Nations (4, 6) Down 2. the process of erecting barriers to trade such as tariffs and quotas to restrict the amount of imports coming into a country (13) 3. a sum of money which is owed by the government of an LEDC to richer developed nations or organisations such as the World Bank (13, 4)
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