Economic Terminology

Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and Inflation


1. What is the correct definition of Inflation?

  • The price at which one currency is bought and sold for another
  • A general increase in the price of good and services measured over a set period of time
  • Price or Cost of borrowing money
  • Basket of Goods
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3. What is the correct definition of Exchange Rates?

  • The price at which one currency is bought and sold for another
  • A general increase in the price of good and services measured over a set period of time
  • Price or Cost of borrowing money
  • The amount of money taken from the general public by the Government to spend on Public Services

4. What is the correct definition of Taxation?

  • A general increase in the price of good and services measured over a set period of time
  • The price at which one currency is bought and sold for another
  • The amount of money taken from the general public by the Government to spend on Public Services
  • Price or Cost of borrowing money

5. What is the correct definition of Interest Rates?

  • Price or Cost of borrowing money
  • The amount of money taken from the general public by the Government to spend on Public Services
  • A general increase in prices and full in the purchasing value of money
  • The amount spent by the Government per year


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