Economic Developments 1886-1914 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryChallenge and Transformation: Britain c1851-1964A2/A-levelAQA Created by: evekavCreated on: 04-03-22 12:48 When were there marked cyclical downturns in the economy? 1873-79 1882-86 1890-96 1 of 36 What did Salisbury's government set up? a Royal Commission - to enquire into the Depression of Industry and Trade 2 of 36 What did the majority of the report conclude? Agricultural prices had been falling since 1873 and it was continuing. 3 of 36 What was the situation with profits and unemployment in 1886? Unemployment reached a peak of 10% Employers had to pay off their workforce 4 of 36 Between 1873 and 1896, what was the % drop in price levels of commodities? 30-40 5 of 36 By 1900, what % of foodstuff did Britain import? 50 6 of 36 What happened with prices in the 1890s? Prices picked up and the late 1890s saw a return to economic prosperity and a period of affluence. 7 of 36 What was industry like between 1886 and 1914? Traditional industries were expanding (more slowly) 8 of 36 What were Britain's problems in industry result from? Too slow to change to respond to foreign competition Fallen behind in the latest technology 9 of 36 Which countries forged ahead in steel production? USA Germany 10 of 36 Which industry boomed between 1896 and 1914? Cotton - new factories built 11 of 36 Where was criticism levelled for not making adequate investments? the Government 12 of 36 How were the problems in agriculture increased? Development in the canning process in the 1880s Methods of refrigeration 13 of 36 By 1899, what % of meat came from abroad? 40 14 of 36 What areas were hit hardest from the problems in agriculture? Wheat and cereal counties 15 of 36 What were the result of the agricultural problems? Farmers went bankrupt Many emigrated to the USA and Canada 16 of 36 What alternative to farming met with great success? Market gardening 17 of 36 What were the staple industries? Coal Iron and steel Textiles Shipbuilding 18 of 36 What areas did technical innovation open? Electrical engineering Motor industry Bicycles Aluminium Rubber and artificial silk 19 of 36 What smaller industries developed? Boot and shoe manufacturing Chocolate Soap Tobacco and beer 20 of 36 What was Britain dependent on to maintain its economic supremacy? Export trade 21 of 36 What was the most crucial change in the economy? Global economic expansion 22 of 36 What did the Royal Commission of Trade report note? Britain's manufacturing supremacy was being challenged by 'foreigners'. 23 of 36 Who were Britain's main opponents? USA and Germany 24 of 36 What factors explained the rapid development of the USA and Germany? *Political stability *Population expansion *Abundance of natural resources *Improved education in Germany 25 of 36 What did Britain dominate in despite competition? Shipbuilding 26 of 36 What was Britain's balance of payments like? Remained in surplus 27 of 36 What was Britain's balance of payments due to? Its continuing dominance in world shipping 28 of 36 What was Britain's economy being cushioned from? The failure of exports to pay for imports. 29 of 36 When did Germany and the USA introduce tariffs? Germany - 1879 USA - 1890 30 of 36 What ideas did the Fair Trade League put forward? Moderate demands for restructuring of Britain's trade policy along more protectionist lines. 31 of 36 What did Joseph Chamberlain believe about tariff reform? He believed it should be established with the wider aim of establishing an imperial federation. 32 of 36 What was the issue of tariff reform a cause of? Balfour's resignation 33 of 36 What had the Budget of 1902 introduced a duty on? A duty of one shilling on imported wheat. 34 of 36 What did Chamberlain's schemes of tariff reforms do? Split Balfour's conservative government and Chamberlain eventually resigned in September 1903. 35 of 36 When Chamberlain resigned, what did he set up? A Tariff Reform League 36 of 36
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