The study of the behaviour of individual consumers, firms, and industries and the determination of market prices and quantities of goods, services, and factors of production.
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The study of aggregate economic activity. It investigates how the economy as a whole works.
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Ceteris Paribus
all other things being held equal.
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Positive Economics
Matters of economics that can be proven right or wrong by looking at the facts.
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Normative Economics
Matters of economics that are based upon opinion, and so are incapable of being proven to be right or wrong.
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The limited availability of economics resources relative to society's unlimited demand for goods and services.
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The physical factor of production. It consists of natural resources, some of which are renewable and some which are non-renewable.
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The human factor of production. It is the physical and mental contribution of the existing work force to production.
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The factor of production that comes from investment in physical and human capital. Physical capital is the stock of manufactured resources and human capital is the value of the workforce.
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The factor of production involving organisation and risk-taking.
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Opportunity Cost
The next best alternative foregone when an economic decision is made.
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Free Good
Goods or services which are unlimited in supply and have no opportunity cost. A free good has an unlimited supply at market price zero.
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Economic Good
Goods or services which are relatively scarce and so have a price. An opportunity cost is involved if it is consumed.
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The satisfaction or pleasure that an individual derives from the consumption of a good or service.
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Production Possibilities Curve/ Frontier
Shows the maximum combinations of goods or services that can be produced in an economy in a given time period, if all the resources in the economy are being used fully an efficiently and the state of technology is fixed.
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Actual Output
The actual production of goods and services in an economy in a given time period.
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Actual Growth
This occurs when previously unemployed factors of production are brought in to use. It is represented by a movement from a point within a PPC to a new point nearer to the PPC.
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Potential Output
The possible production that would be possible in an economy if all available factors were being employed.
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Potential Growth
This occurs when the quantity and/or quality of factors of production within an economy is increased. It is represented by an outward shift of the PPC.
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Economic Growth
The growth of real output in an economy over time, usually measured as growth in real GDP.
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Economic Development
It is an a broad concept involving improvement in standards of living, reduction in poverty, improved health and education.
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Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
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Free Market Economy (market economy)
An economy where the means of production are privately held by individuals and firms. Demand and supply determine how much to produce, how/how many to produce, and for whom to produce.
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Planned Economy (command economy)
An economy where the means of production are collectively owned (except labour). The state determines how much to produce, how/how many to produce, and for whom to produce.
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Transition Economy
An economy in the process of moving from a centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented economic system.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The study of aggregate economic activity. It investigates how the economy as a whole works.
Card 3
all other things being held equal.
Card 4
Matters of economics that can be proven right or wrong by looking at the facts.
Card 5
Matters of economics that are based upon opinion, and so are incapable of being proven to be right or wrong.
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