
  • Created by: Issey
  • Created on: 07-05-13 10:58
The belief that humans are the most significant species on the planet
1 of 13
Belief that humans are the masters of nature (which is limitless and functions to serve our needs)
2 of 13
Enlightened Anthropocentrism
Humans should give consideration to nature, but ultimately humans should always take precendence over nature.
3 of 13
The study of the relationships that living organisms have with eachother
4 of 13
Belief that the ecosphere is more significant than humans and that we are seperate from it
5 of 13
Mechanistic thinking
The assumption that nature is made of different parts which can be seperated out. The ability to make an action in one ecosystem and for it to not affect any others.
6 of 13
Holistic thinking
The idea that everything exists in relationship to everything else: one action causes effect throughout the biosphere. The whole is comprised by multiple relationships that define them.
7 of 13
Hinduism's Holistic Theory
Everything is God. We are all merely aspects of the divine entity, not separate islands. Enlightenment is discovering our one-ness with our environment.
8 of 13
Belief that every part of the environment, living or not, has spirit. Therefore everything deserves respect.
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Belief that deities can be identified through nature, so everything is holy and must be respected as such.
10 of 13
Descartes stance
Only humans have "consciousness"
11 of 13
Deep ecologist criticism of ANTHROPOCENTRISM
It destroys the environment by putting the needs of humans first
12 of 13
Criticism of HOLISM
Individuals get overlooked when the whole entity is considered instead of the individual.
13 of 13

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Card 2


Belief that humans are the masters of nature (which is limitless and functions to serve our needs)



Card 3


Humans should give consideration to nature, but ultimately humans should always take precendence over nature.


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Card 4


The study of the relationships that living organisms have with eachother


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Card 5


Belief that the ecosphere is more significant than humans and that we are seperate from it


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