Early Elizabethan

Explain two features of Elizabethan government
Justice of the peace- landowners who heard court cases
The Court- made up of noblemen, were the Queen's advisers and friends.
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What problems did Elizabeth face when she became queen
Legitimacy- his divorce with Catherine of Aragon was not recognised by the pope and so Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyne and their child was seen as illegitimate as they were not married.

Marriage-it was unusual according to christian traditions for a que
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Explain why Elizabeth faced so many financial problems at the start of her reign
crown debt- 300k debt and had income of 286k

Mary Tudor- she sold off crown lands to pay for the war with France (so income from rent was failing)

Inflation- value of coin decreased as more of it was made to Pay for war against France --> inflation
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Explain the challenges Elizabeth faced abroad between 1558- 1568
Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis- England lost Calais to France, this was Englands last territory in the continent. there was pressure to reclaim

Auld Alliance- Queen Mary of Scots married to Spain King (Francis) making Scotland and Spain united in potentially
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Explain how the beliefs of Protestants, Catholics and puritans differed
Catholics- had a head of church, services were in latin, they were in the North and West
Protestants- no pope, services in English, were in the south east
puritans- no popes, churches had no decor, were in London and East anglia
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Explain the impact of the religious settlement
80% of clergy accepted it
Marian Bishops rejected it
ordinary people accepted it even though they were Catholic
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Explain why many catholics opposed Elizabeth's religious settlement
pope's influence- instructed English catholics not to attend services
Catholic counter reformation- saw protestantism as heresy and so Lizzy's actions were against their belief

Recusants (secret catholics)- 1/3of the English nobility + large part of gent
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Explain why relationships between Spain and England declined in 1560-1570
+ 1580
dutch rebels- Lizzie sheltered Dutch Protestant rebels who fled from Spain
Geneose loan- Elizabeth seed a ship full of gold which was to be sent to Spain argued it was for Italy.
Mary- seen as an alternative Catholic monarch who encouraged Spanish plots
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Did the Ridolfi plot strengthen or weaken Elizabeth's power
- enabled Elizabeth to assert authority by enforcing stricter monitoring and through laws which fined people sheltering priests or converting ppl to Catholicism

- highlighted how Spain was willing to back plots against lizzie as he i
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Did the Throckmorton plot strengthen or weaken Elizabeth's power
- Throckmorton papers confirmed government fears of enemies within and so Elizabeth was able to dilute the Catholic rebels by imprisoning them

-led to the bond of association to be created which protected Elizabeth's life against future plot

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Did the Babbington plot strengthen or weaken Elizabeth's power
Mary executed hard to find an heir hindered rebels
lots of domestic catholic supporters killed less domestic instability and liz was more powerful

however Mary death was final turning point for war, no successor
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why was gov able to defeat plots
1)torture good deterrent was used as last resort to spare sympathy for victims was effective in throck
2)agent provocateurs hired to encouraged rebellion thus justified use of harsh punishment
3)-had a large network of spies in every town well paid and
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reasons why Spain relations declined
1)England aided dutch protestants against Spain such as shelter finance against fighting Spain angered Spain

2)Spain controlled most of new world thus had access to more goods and also shut down routes for England trade worsening economy led to pirates
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two features of Spanish tactics
had 130 ships with 2431 guns

sailed across English channel to gather support
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reasons why England won
1)battle of grave lines fireships used led to panic of Spain and led them to retreat
2)Spanish lacked food and supplies at sea for 10 weeks and food rotted destroyed morale and capabilities to fight back

3)england was better equipped allowed guns to be
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how far agree armada secured liz position as queen
1)protestantism increased as it looked like god helped protestants led to more domestic stability and less challenge for queen
2)protestant survived in Netherlands and anglo dutch relations helped spread protestantism in Europe this meant there were more
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spectator sports
**** fighting and bear baiting

rich-hunting and fishing men and women
tennis and fencing men only

poor football and wrestling men only very violent and gambling
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medieval literature was popular

catholics loved mystery plays replaced by non religious secular plays

all classes attended theatre conditions differed

comedies funded by rich including liz

played in red lion the globe and the rose
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brought together men and women although separated rich and poor

musicians paid to play at pubs streets events fairs barbers and plays

instruments were lutes and spinets and harpischords
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concequences of circumnavigating the globe
open new trade hotspots more goods valuable

revenge on Spain as they destroyed Spanish ships and ports and stole 400k worth of gold and silver from Spain
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main reason colonisation of Virginia failed was because of...
1)first colonist left England too late to reach Virginia and plant crops and one of five ships sank destroying food led them to return home second colony dependant on natives
2)tensions with natives- high demands for food and shelter from Spain and spread
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What problems did Elizabeth face when she became queen


Legitimacy- his divorce with Catherine of Aragon was not recognised by the pope and so Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyne and their child was seen as illegitimate as they were not married.

Marriage-it was unusual according to christian traditions for a que

Card 3


Explain why Elizabeth faced so many financial problems at the start of her reign


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the challenges Elizabeth faced abroad between 1558- 1568


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain how the beliefs of Protestants, Catholics and puritans differed


Preview of the front of card 5
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