Drug use and alcohol crossword 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: bennyrathCreated on: 29-10-15 00:07 A side short term side effect of binge drinking Vomiting 1 of 9 A long term side effect of binge drinking liver damage 2 of 9 what is an example of a social effect of binge drinking Depression 3 of 9 What is a physical effect of alcohol Brain and liver damage 4 of 9 example of a drug used for drink spiking Rohypnol 5 of 9 What is a strategy to avoid drink spiking Avoid sharing drinks with people you do not know extremely well 6 of 9 What is an example of a danger a result of drink spiking Sexual Assualt 7 of 9 What is an example of a culture effect that alcohol can have Family problems 8 of 9 What is poly-drug use When people take two or more drugs at the same time 9 of 9
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