Drainage Basin 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyWater and riversGCSEAQA Created by: Former MemberCreated on: 01-04-13 08:48 What is a Drainage Basin? It is the area of land drained by a river 1 of 8 What separates a drainage basin? By a watershed 2 of 8 What is a watershed? They're ridges of high land-with water falling either side & will go into different drainage basins 3 of 8 What are the features of a drainage basin? A tributary, the source, a confluence and the mouth 4 of 8 What is a tributary? It is a smaller river (e.g. stream) that joins a main river 5 of 8 What is the source? It is where a river starts, usually in an upland area (e.g. mountains) 6 of 8 What is the confluence? It is the point where two rivers join 7 of 8 What is the mouth? It is where a river flows in to the sea or a lake 8 of 8
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