Drainage Basins 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyWater and riversGCSEOCR Created by: Jess_SchoenebergCreated on: 10-01-17 15:47 What is a drainage basin? The part of the Hydrological Cycle that happens on land happens in a drainage basin. They are open systems (inputs, outputs, stored and flowing water) 1 of 9 What inputs occur in drainage basins? Precipitation 2 of 9 What outputs occur in drainage basins? Evaporation, transpiration and river flow into the sea 3 of 9 What flows occur in drainage basins? Surface runoff, channel flow, infiltration, throughflow, groundwater flow and percolation 4 of 9 What stores occur in drainage basins? Channel storage, groundwater storage, interception storage and surface storage 5 of 9 What is a watershed? Boundaries that separate drainage basins. High ridges of land which causes water to go into different basins 6 of 9 What is a tributary? A smaller river that joins a main river 7 of 9 What is a confluence? The point where 2 rivers meet 8 of 9 What is the mouth of a river? Where the river flows into the sea or a lake 9 of 9
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