divorce the legal ending/separation the physical separation of spouses so that they live apart/empty shell marriage in which husbands and wives continue to live together and be married however there marriage is broken down.
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trends in divorce?
divorces have risen dramatically. in 1911 there were just 895 petitions for divorce but in 2014 there were more than 111000 divorces.
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patterns of divorce?
a 5th of those married in 1968 had divorced within 15 years, but nearly a third of those married in 1998 had divorced within 15 years. those between 40-44 had the highest divorce rate
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separation statistics
2001 census found 2% of adults separated and living alone in britain.
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empty shell marriage
it is very difficult to define empty shell marriages and to optionaizes any definition when conducting research.
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what does impressionistic historical evidences suggest?
in the past people were more likely to accept an unsatisfactory marriage than today because divorce was almost impossible to obtain.
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explanations for marriage breakdown
according to nicky hart 3 types of factors explain this: value attached to marriage, degree of conflict between spouses opportunities to escape marriage
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conflict between spouses?
functionalist goode believe conflict is from the nuclear family and its isolation , this places an emotional burden on husbands and wives who have little support.
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Card 2
trends in divorce?
divorces have risen dramatically. in 1911 there were just 895 petitions for divorce but in 2014 there were more than 111000 divorces.
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