Diverse cultures in different Polais
- Created by: Heather
- Created on: 02-01-17 13:10
For the Spartan poleis constitution, what were the citizens and warriors referred to as?
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Who were the perioeci?
Localised associates,
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How was the Spartans ruled?
Oligarchy- 2 Kings,
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For their government structure, who were the council of the elders? How many were there and what were the conditions to enter?
-Gerousia, -28 in total, -Only over the age of 60,
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What was the Ecclesia and who was it for? What power did everyone have there?
The Assembly, -All Spartan citizens could attend, -They could only approve or reject what the Gerousia said or not,
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Who are the eected officials? How many are there in total and how often are they elected? what was their role?
-Ephors, -5 in total, -Elected annually, -They had a supervisory role and were basically civil servants to ensure everything moved efficiently,
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For Athens, how many citizens lived in the city itself by the Peloponnesian War?
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Was land only important and owned by those who lived in villages?
No- Even the people who lived in the city owned farmland around, Many relied on this and used it as rent or agriculture, but as a living,
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What kind of men did this owning of land create and what did it allow for them?
It allowed them to become wealthy men, and allowed them to have a political say as they could stay in the city all the time,
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How many slaves were estimated to be living int the city? What was their work?
60-80,000 slaves, -They worked in the siver mines or domestic labour,
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How was Athens in the face of problems such as unemployment as compared to other states?
They were free from problems other city states had such as unemployment and peasantry problems due to the laws of Solon,
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Give an example of this based on their army?
45,000 men were wealthy enough to afford armour and become warriors in the army,
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What other military resource did they also have that was large and impressive?
The Navy
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Who was it maintained by?
Wealthy people in Athens,
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Where did they get their sailors and professional soldiers from?
They would hire professional soldiers and most of the peasant class would disappear to become sailorss and soldiers as it is a better profession,
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For their constitution, what was their assembly called? Who could attend? How mcuh power and role did they have?
-Ecclesia , -Whoever turns up to the Assembly so everyone could add their case, -Everyone could add theur case and suggest their own amendments to the laws created,
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For their courts, how many named were put in and how many pulled out to create a jury?
6,000 names and 501 pulled out,
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Who were the boule? How were members chosen and how often?
-Council, -They were chosen by lot- Large numbers were put in a hat and 500 chosen, -Re elected every year,
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What were the conditions to enter> What was their role?
You couldn't be on the Council more than twice in your entire life, -They would investigate and debate into laws and do research work for the ecclesia debate,
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Who are the generals? how many were elected and how often? What was their role?
-Strategoi, -There were 10 who were elected, -You could be re-elected year on year, -They were in cahrge of military decisions and the military was delegated to them,
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Who were the archons and what was their role?
-Officials, -The bodies who would run events for the ecclesia when they met and helped the general running of the political events,
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Who was the creator of the Athens' democracy? Who did he help remvoe from power?
-Cleisthenes, -Helped removed the tyrant Hippias and the would-be tyrant Isagoras,
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What did he do to the Athens polis?
he split the polis into 10 tribes, each with a certian number of demes (small area of land, or small group of people)
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What did he change about naming to ensure it was no longer about aristocracy?
He abolished patronymic names (Named after father) adn replaced them with demonymic names (Named after the places)
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What was the system of ostracism that he introduced?
System which occured every year where the Athenians would vote for one person on a broken piece of pot who they didn't like- The person with the most names would be exiled for 10 years,
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What did he introduce with political position to allow them greater acess to join?
He introduced a wage and payment for holding this position,
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However, why didn't this solve the situation fully?
AS those who put their name in the pot would be those who live in cities, and not those who live miles away in surrounding land, and so most were nobles,
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How was the public of Athens in viewing their democracy?
Many were satisfied- It felt like they were having a say in the running of Athens,
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Who did Athens begin to attract due to advances in culture?
Intelligentsia, such as great poets and philosophers
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For the classic period, for Sparta as a warrior society, what was it the first state to have in Greece and why?
The first to have a professional amry in Greece, -Due to the helots, which are slaves who work on their lands, and so allows citizens to be fulltime professional warriors,
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Who was the Spartan power mostly focused on and why?
Suppressing the helots as they were fearful of expanding further and leaving Sparta undefended in case their revolt and rise up
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However, they made alliances such as with who? why was this strategic?
Thebesm -It honed the Athenians so they had no where to go except the sea,
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Wy do Sparta and Athens clash based on ideology?
Ideological differences- Oligarchy was favoured by Sparta and radical democracy favoured by Athens,
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For Athens, who produced new laws which were quite repressive around women?
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How did Solon institutionalise prostitution?
Any women who worked would be known as a prostitute as a good woman should stay at home,
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What did the laws regulate about women?
It regulated where they could walk, what they could wear and what they could eat in public,
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What districts did it create for single men and why?
red ligh districts, -He believed war was caused by a lack of women so this was to satisfy men and stop strifle between affairs of unmarried women,
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What law did he create about poor people selling themselves?
He stopped the poor selling themselves for debt- Free people couldn't enslave themselves or thier children,
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However, what did he allow on this front involving women?
He left a clause that allowed men to sell unmarried women as slaves if no longer virgins,
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What was women's education dependent on?
Men-There was no expectation that women should learn anything,
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What was the age of consent for Athenian women? Was it her consent?
12, -No her parents consent and they would decide the marriage,
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What was a woman's life expectancy and why?
Around 30, primarily due to childbirth as they were expected to produce babies constantly
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What was expected of women as their role in society?
They were expected to stay at home and work at the loom, making clothes for family,
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To emphasise that women were expected to stay at home, how were women depicted in Greek art?
Women were portrayed as pale to show that women had been working indoors, as they should be,
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For Sparta, what percent of property was owned by women?
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What age were Spartan women expected to marry and why?
Never beneath the age of 20, -THey believe girls should give birth when they are fit and strong so they can survive,
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What did Sparta women have to wear?
They didn't have to wear heavy concealing clothes like the Athenians- They were allowed to be naked, such as when using the gymnasia,
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For sexuality, who were men allowed to have sex with?
Whoever they chose as long as they were a non-citizen male, female slaves, wives, whores and adolescent boys,
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To have a homosexual relationship, what did the men have to be?
The active penetrators, so only acceptable for boys between the age of 12 and 18, especially Athens
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Give an example of how Thebes used homosexual relations?
They had a section of their army where coupes, younger and oldr males, would fight together with the idea they would fight better,
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For slavery, what laws did Solon introduce about slaves?
They wre against slaves, such as not being able to use the gymnasia and not to be a threat to the Spartan male and so to be weak, nt to have sexual relations with young bys,
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How did the Athenians use slaves and an example?
Silver mines- 1000 slaves sold to it by Nicias, and overall 30,000 slaves used there,
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Overall, how many slaves did Athens have? How many is thatt per household?
80,000 slaves, -3 slaves per household and only in the city, not in outer regions,
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In the Hellenistic period, what happeend to the Polies?
They didn't work in this time of difficulty due to the many power struggles and wars that occured,
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Who believed what about a united Greece?
Isocrates, -Believed a united Grece was the most important thing,
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Therefore what happened to the poleis?
Alexander further this and destoyed this system- There was no sense of Athenian or Spartan just Greece,
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who were the perioeci?
Localised associates,
Card 3
How was the Spartans ruled?
Card 4
For their government structure, who were the council of the elders? How many were there and what were the conditions to enter?
Card 5
What was the Ecclesia and who was it for? What power did everyone have there?
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