Distributions and statistical inference 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologystatsUniversityNone Created by: k4te18Created on: 14-05-18 15:17 What the general shape of data looks like distribution 1 of 14 When more scores are around the mean normal distribution 2 of 14 When the sample doesn't represent the whole population sampling error 3 of 14 People participating in a study sample 4 of 14 People we're interested in generalising to population 5 of 14 Whether the distribution is too wide or thin kurtosis 6 of 14 How many standard deviations a certain score is from the mean z-scores 7 of 14 People selected from a population at random random sampling 8 of 14 When people who are already available to you are recruited convenience sampling 9 of 14 Participants recruit others they know into the study snowball sampling 10 of 14 Represents deviation of individual scores from the sample mean standard deviation 11 of 14 Represents deviation of sample means from the population mean standard error of the mean 12 of 14 The idea that the variables are not related null hypothesis 13 of 14 The idea that the variables are related in some way alternative hypothesis 14 of 14
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