Directions in french 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchTravel and tourismGCSEEdexcel Created by: stokiwillCreated on: 02-11-13 22:45 Allez tout droit Go straight on 1 of 42 Tournez a gauch Turn left 2 of 42 Tournez a droite Turn right 3 of 42 Prenez la premiere rue a gauche Take the first road on the left 4 of 42 Prenez la premiere rue a droite Take the first road on the right 5 of 42 Prenez la premiere rue a gauche Take the second road on the left 6 of 42 Prenez la premiere rue a droite Take the second road on the right 7 of 42 prenez la troisenne rue a gauche Take the third road on the left 8 of 42 prenez la troisenne rue a droite Take the third road on the right 9 of 42 La rue Road 10 of 42 La route 'A' road 11 of 42 L'autoroute Motorway 12 of 42 Suivez la rue jusquáu Follow the road until the bridge 13 of 42 Suivez la rue jusquáu Round a bout 14 of 42 Suivez la rue jusquáux feux Traffic lights 15 of 42 Traversez la rue Cross the road 16 of 42 Traversez le pont cross the bridge 17 of 42 La gare Train station 18 of 42 En ville The town 19 of 42 La gare routiere Bus station 20 of 42 La piscine Swimming pool 21 of 42 Le marché The market 22 of 42 Le centre commercial Shopping centre 23 of 42 Le supermarché Supermarket 24 of 42 L'hotel de ville The town hall 25 of 42 La mairie Town hall 26 of 42 L'eglise Church 27 of 42 Le jardin public Park 28 of 42 Le parc Park 29 of 42 La boulangerie Bakery 30 of 42 La poste Post office 31 of 42 La banque The bank 32 of 42 La bouherie Butchers 33 of 42 L'épicerie Grocers 34 of 42 Allez Go 35 of 42 Tournez Turn 36 of 42 Continuez Continue 37 of 42 Traversez Cross 38 of 42 Prenez Take 39 of 42 La place Square 40 of 42 Le carrefour Cross roads 41 of 42 Jusquáu carrefoure Until the cross roads 42 of 42
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