Differences between civil and criminal law This is it. 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? LawCivil courts and ADRASOCR Created by: ArundeepCreated on: 09-02-13 12:54 Civil Law- Purpose of Law To uphold the rights of individuals. 1 of 16 Criminal Law- Purpose of Law Maintain Law and Order. 2 of 16 Civil Law- Person starting the case Individual or business has suffered as a result of the breach of Civil Law. 3 of 16 Criminal Law- Person starting the case Criminal Cases are taken on behalf of the state, and so there is a crown prosecution service responsible for conducting most cases. 4 of 16 Civil Law- Courts Heard in High court or County court 5 of 16 Criminal Law- Courts Magistrates Court or Crown court 6 of 16 Civil Law- Legal Name for that person Claimant 7 of 16 Criminal Law- Legal Name for that Person Prosecutor 8 of 16 Civil Law- Standard of proof The balance of probabilities 9 of 16 Criminal Law- Standard of Proof Beyond reasonable doubt 10 of 16 Civil Law- Person/s making the decision Judge, very rarely a jury 11 of 16 Criminal Law- Person/s making the decision Magistrates in Mag Court Or Judge and jury in crown court 12 of 16 Civil Law- Decision Liable or not Liable 13 of 16 Criminal Law- Decision Guilty or not guilty 14 of 16 Civil Law- Powers of the court Usually an award of damages. 15 of 16 Criminal Law- Powers of the court Prison, community sentence fine, discharge, driving ban.. 16 of 16
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