Development and Health
4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: gareth martin
- Created on: 17-11-12 14:57
What uses do development indicators serve?
*They give us the opportunity to compare countries/regions using standard measurements. *The data allows us to conduct a league table.* They allow us to track progres or lack of. *They give different lenses in which to view the country e.g politicaly
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What 2 groups do development indicators fall into?
Social/Human and Economic
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What does PQLI stand for?
Physical quality of life Index
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What does HDI sand for?
Human Development Index
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Explain why just looking at the GNP for Saudi Arabia does not give the full picture?
The high GNP per capita suggests an affluent country but this does not consider the actual distribution of wealth which is greatly divided.
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Name some economic indicators?
*Unemployment. *GDP. *GNP. *People employed in agriculture.*Balance of trade.*Income per capita. *Energy used. *Patterns of import/export trade
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Name some social indicators?
*Death Rate. *Birth Rates. *Infant Mortality. *Life Expectancy. *Patients per doctor. *Literacy Rates. *Calorie Intake. *Migration. *The population distribution structure of age and sex
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Give reasons why regional differences in development exist within Brazil?
*Soil variation *Relief *Climate *Location *Access *Population density *Industry *Tourism *Local/National (money staying in country or going out) *Potentail cost of development *Protected areas *Water availability *Literacy *Natural Resources
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Give reasons why such a wide gap in development exists between developing countries?
*Climate *Relief *Natural Disasters *Political Situation *War *Natural Resources *Available Food *Drinking Water *Disease *Literacy Rates *Farming Methods *Industry Types *Location *Tourism *Soil Type *Population Density, Growth and Distribution
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In the composite indicator Human Development Index what types of indicators are used?
*Wealth e.g. Income per capita. *Health e.g. Life expectancy at birth. *Educational attainment e.g. Literacy rates
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Explain how the PQLI is comprised?
3 social/human indicators are rated out of a 100 and averaged out. A figure of 75 and below is considered to be unsatisfactory
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How much people does Malaria affect each year?
400 million
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How many people die from Malaria each year?
2 million
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What percentage of Malaria cases occur in Africa?
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Where in the world can Malaria be found?
The worlds poorest tropical areas such as Africa, South America and South East Asia
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How is Malaria caused?
It is caused by a parasite which enters the bloodstream after being injected into the body by a mosquito
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What type of mosquito carries Malaria?
The female anopheles mosquito
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Name the physical conditions needed for Malaria to be present?
The mosquitos live in very warm or hot areas, with day time temperatures above 16 degrees all year round. They need still water as breeding areas
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What human factors affect the distribution of Malaria?
*Creation of padi fields, dams and irrigation channels makes suitable breeding grounds so Malaria increases. *People migrating or living in crowded conditions make it easier for the disease to spread.
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What are the symptoms and consequences of Malaria?
After a few days the individual will suffer from headaches and stomach pains. This is followed by fevers of high temperatures and shivering fits. If the individual does not die, kidney failure is possible. Patient left weak, anaemic, reduced life exp
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What are the economic cosequences of Malaria?
*People off sick loss of individual and industry wealth. *Lot of money spent on care and cure *Loss of workers to look after sick
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What methods are used for controlling Malaria?
*Spray Insecticides. *Drain Breeding Grounds. *Spray Oil Onto Breeding Surface. *Mustard Seed Bombing. *Larvae-eating Fish *Egg White Sprayed On Stagnant Surfaces. *Bti Bacteria Grown On Coconuts. *Genetic Eng . *Eucalyptus Trees. *Drugs. *Education
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What are the problems associated with sparaying insecticides as a control method for Malaria?
*Chemicals pollute the enviroment. *Expensive. *Mosquitos develop resistance
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What problems are associated with draining breeding grounds as a control method for Malaria?
*Expensive. *Large amount of manpower. *Impossible to do in totality. *Water needed for drinking etc
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What problems are associated with destruction of larvae by spraying oil onto water surface as a control method for Malaria?
*Expensive. *Wasteful. *Pollution
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What problems are associated with mustard seed bombing as a control method for Malaria?
*Difficult to do thouroughly. *Wasteful
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What problems are associated with egg white sprayed on stagnant water as a control method for Malaria?
*Wasteful. *Impractical. *Difficult to do thouroughly
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What problems are associated with larvae eating fish as a control method for Malaria?
People eat the fish
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What problems are associated with Bti grown in coconuts as a control method for Malaria?
People eat the coconuts
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What problems are associated with planting Euacalyptus trees as a control method for Malaria?
*Trees often dont grow well. *Trees chopped down for firewood
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What problems are associated with letting water out of dams as a control method for Malaria?
*Not economical. *Wasteful. *Can be dangerous for population downstream
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What problems are associated with genetic engineering as a control method for Malaria?
*Expensive. *Public concern
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What problems are associated with drugs as a control measure for Malaria?
*Parasites building resistance. *Side effects. *Prevention better than cure
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What problems are associated with education as a control measure for Malaria?
*Large Manpower needed. *People have to be convinced to change their lifestyles
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The WHO launched a world campaign to eradicate malaria in the 1950's and 60's. Why did this initative fail?
*It was very expensive for poor countries to buy insecticides. *The mosquitos were becoming resistant to the chemicals used.
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What advice does Primary Health Care give locals for reducing the cases of Malaria?
*Persuade people to use mosquito bed nets. *Cover water containers. *Fill puddles. *Reduce visits to the river. *Cut grass around house(mosquitos rest in long grass). *Wear clothing that covers arms and legs.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What 2 groups do development indicators fall into?
Social/Human and Economic
Card 3
What does PQLI stand for?
Card 4
What does HDI sand for?
Card 5
Explain why just looking at the GNP for Saudi Arabia does not give the full picture?
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