Development and Resource Issues key words theme 6 of wjec eduquas 0.0 / 5 ? Geographydevelopment and resource issuesGCSEOther Created by: holliesheffieldCreated on: 03-06-18 13:05 GNI gross national income 1 of 20 gross domestic product GDP 2 of 20 human development index HDI 3 of 20 global south less developed side 4 of 20 more developed side global north 5 of 20 HIC high income countries 6 of 20 LIC low income countries 7 of 20 GNH gross national happiness 8 of 20 economic development result of increased employment & rising incomess 9 of 20 social development access to healthcare, education, clean water, housig, high life expectency 10 of 20 involves forming a stable govenment & allowing freedom of speech political development 11 of 20 NIC newly industrialised country 12 of 20 world trade organisation WTO 13 of 20 international monetary fund IMF 14 of 20 MNC multinational companies 15 of 20 tourist only have to pay 1 price, it's fully accomidated enclave tourism 16 of 20 NGO non-govenmental organisation 17 of 20 community vitalization & afforestation in Middle Shire COVAMS 18 of 20 water is available but it is inaccessible or unusuable economic water scarity 19 of 20 physical water scarity not enough water available 20 of 20
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