Development and Globalisation

They bring jobs to LEDC's
3/4 of the population of Tirrupur are in the textile industry.
1 of 10
TNCs can connect different countries together
Water is imported so different countries must work together
2 of 10
The wages from the TNCs help the economy of the LEDC's
£700m of of orders to the developing world
3 of 10
Conditions in TNC factories are often better than those in other factories in LEDC's
Better Lives Foundation was set up to improve living and working conditions
4 of 10
TNCs give people a variety of goods to choose from
This contributes to their sky high income as more people are buying their products
5 of 10
TNCs are richer and more powerful than many governments so they do what they want in LEDCS
They employ children which is against the law. They also bribe the police.
6 of 10
TNCs often pay their workers a low wage
They get 15 rupeees
7 of 10
TNCs can move profits from one country to another to avoid paying tax
They use Sri Lankan refugees in camps to save money
8 of 10
TNCs move when they see a better deal elsewhere, closing down factories as they go
They sub-contract to save money
9 of 10
TNCs often pollute the air or water with toxic chemicals from their factories. They wouldn't do this in their own country
The dye from the factory polluted the river making it toxic and undrinkable. Therefore water has to be imported from 50 miles away.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Water is imported so different countries must work together


TNCs can connect different countries together

Card 3


£700m of of orders to the developing world


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Card 4


Better Lives Foundation was set up to improve living and working conditions


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Card 5


This contributes to their sky high income as more people are buying their products


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