The progress of a country ijn terms of economic growth, the use of technology and human welfare.
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How is Development Measured?
Development can be measured by- GNI, Literacy Rate, Birth rate, Death Rate and infant mortality.
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What is GNI?
Gross National Income.
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What is the Global Chain?
The global chain is a system where HICs pay LICs to manufacture their products.
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What is the point of the global chain?
By being part of the global chain the HICs earn a higher profit seeing as it is cheaper labour.
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What is Global Trade?
Global trade is the result of the uneven distribution of materials and resources across the world. No single country has everything it needs so has to trade with other countries. Countries rely on eachother to trade goods in which they need.
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What is a Primary Product?
A primary product is something that is made naturally, for example bananas.
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What is a Manufactured Good?
Manufactured goods are something that are manmade, for example a car.
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What is a Trade Surplus?
a trade surplus is when a country has too much so they export more than they import.
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What is a Trade Deficit?
a trade deficit is when a country doesn't have enough so have to import more than they export.
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What is a TNC?
Transnational Corporation
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What are some disadvantages to those involved in the chocolate Journey in the south?
cheap labour, unfair price, child labour, natural disasters, no education, no healthcare, dangerous working conditions, bad climate.
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What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is an organisation that aims to help farmers in developing countries make better working conditions and promote sustainability. It supports the payment of higher price to farmers as well as higher social & environmental standards.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How is Development Measured?
Development can be measured by- GNI, Literacy Rate, Birth rate, Death Rate and infant mortality.
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