Developing Metals 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryDeveloping MetalsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Chloe-ManningCreated on: 03-04-19 10:53 One or more stable ions with a partially filled d-orbital Transition Metal 1 of 10 Colour of Mn 2+ Pink 2 of 10 Catalyst in a different state to the reactants Hetrogeneous 3 of 10 Reactant forming weak bonds with transition metal catalysts Chemisorption 4 of 10 Catalyst in the same state as the reactants Homogeneous 5 of 10 Products at the halfway stage of a reaction with a catalyst intermediate compounds 6 of 10 Colour of ammonia and Copper ions Deep blue 7 of 10 Colour of NaOH and copper ions Pale blue 8 of 10 Species that will donate a pair of electrons to a transition metal Ligand 9 of 10 A bond with a transition metal where a species has donated both electrons for the shared pair Coordinate bond 10 of 10
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