Detente 1969-80 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: MeganCreated on: 05-06-15 11:53 Why did Detente appeal to both superpowers? They both needed to reduce their defence budgets 1 of 19 What was happening to the US economy? It was starting to stagnate 2 of 19 How large was the Soviet economy in comparison to America's economy? Soviet economy was 1/6th the size of the US economy 3 of 19 What limits did the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty set? Each superpower only allowed 2 Anti-Ballistic Missile Shields 4 of 19 What did Anti-Ballistic Missile Shields undermine? Mutually Assured Destruction 5 of 19 How many basic principles did the Basic Principles Agreement set out? 12 6 of 19 What was the significance of the Moscow Summit,1972? Showed that the superpowers were committed to working together 7 of 19 When was G7 created? 1975 8 of 19 Why was G7 created? To provide economic co-ordination 9 of 19 Who advanced the policy of Ostpolitik? Willy Brandt 10 of 19 What did basket 2 of the Helsinki Accords agree? To expand trade and share technology 11 of 19 What weakened America's negotiating position? The Watergate Scandal 12 of 19 What restricted US-Soviet trade that was passed by congress? The Jackson-Vanik Amendment 13 of 19 What was the name of the country the US considered to be firmly in its sphere of influence but became communist in 1979? Nicaragua 14 of 19 What was US defence spending in 1970? $406 billion 15 of 19 What did Carter choose to invest in, in 1978? Trident 16 of 19 When was SALT 2 signed? June 1979 17 of 19 What was one of the actions of Carter in response to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan? Increased defence spending by 5% 18 of 19 How did the state of the US economy contribute to the end of Detente? The US economy was showing signs of revival by 1976 19 of 19
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