Desserts 0.0 / 5 ? Design & Technology: Food TechnologyDessertsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: fletcher leeCreated on: 10-02-20 14:44 Name 2 hot desserts Crepe and struddel 1 of 27 Name 2 cold desserts Mousses and trifle 2 of 27 Name 6 preparation methods for desserts Weighing, creaming, piping, lining moulds, pureeing and chilling 3 of 27 Name 3 cooking methods Steaming, frying and baking 4 of 27 Name 3 types of sauces and fillings Coulis, custard and cream 5 of 27 Name 2 types of accompaniments Basic sugar work and decorative chocolate 6 of 27 How must you finish the dessert just before serving Plating that's suitable, tasting and adjusting flavours and slicing 7 of 27 What is a crepe A crepe is a type of very thin pancake that is usually made from wheat or buckwheat flour 8 of 27 What is a strudel A strudel is a type of layered pastry usually filled with apple or cherry 9 of 27 What is a mousse A mousses main ingredients are whipped cream and eggs and has a light and airy texture 10 of 27 What is a trifle A trifle is a dessert made from cake, fruit, custard and cream 11 of 27 When buying fruit what should you look for Fresh, appetising, plump and firm, berries should look dry on the outside 12 of 27 Where should fruit be stored In a refrigerator as it'll last longer 13 of 27 What are the different ways of preserving fruit Drying, canning, bottling, candied, glace. quick freezing, cold storage 14 of 27 What are the key commodities for dessert Dairy, eggs, fruit and dry commodities 15 of 27 What are the key commodities for dairy and eggs Butter, cream, milk, yoghurts, eggs, creme fraiche and sour cream 16 of 27 What are the key commodities for fruit Frozen and fresh seasonal fruit 17 of 27 What are the key dry commodities Sugar, flour, rice, cocoa powder, baking powder, suet, icing sugar, spices and salt 18 of 27 What other products are used Syrup,vanilla extract or pods, nuts, chocolate, liquid glucose, food colouring, vegetable oil, gelatin and flavourings 19 of 27 What are the quality points of desserts Use-by-date, colour and aroma 20 of 27 What are the preservation for desserts Freezing and refrigerating 21 of 27 What are the advantages of preserving desserts Slow down spoilage, prevent bacteria, order only what you need and make food in advance 22 of 27 What are the disadvantages of preserving desserts Change in texture, nutritional value, appearance, aroma, taste and the amount of storage space needed 23 of 27 What are the cooking methods for hot desserts Chocolate souffle-bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, Banana fritter-deep fried for 4 minutes 24 of 27 What are the cooking methods for cold desserts Creme caramel-bake in a bain-marie for 40 minutes, Panna cotta- set in the fridge 25 of 27 What are the sauces and fillings for desserts Fruit coulis, chocolate sauce, chocolate ganache, creme anglaise, custard, chantilly cream, creme patisserie, stock syrup and sweet sauces 26 of 27 What are the decorative techniques Basic sugar work, decorative chocolate, coated editions e.g. nuts, biscuits 27 of 27
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