Desert landforms

what is a plateau?
high, flat area of land
1 of 13
what is a canyon?
deep, steep sided valley
2 of 13
what is a mesa?
flat-topped mountain with steep sides
3 of 13
what is a butte?
small, isolated flat-topped mountain
4 of 13
what is a alluvial fan?
fan-shaped river deposits at the foot of a steep mountain
5 of 13
what is a yardang?
narrow, steep-sided ridge
6 of 13
what is a wadi?
gully formed by flash floods
7 of 13
what is a inselberg?
large, isolated outcrop of hard rock
8 of 13
what is a salt pan?
dried-out salt lake with a crusty salt surface
9 of 13
what is a blow-out?
large hollows scooped from the surface by the wind
10 of 13
what is a sand dune?
ridge or mound of sand
11 of 13
what is a desert pavement?
flat, rocky area with a smooth polished surface
12 of 13
what is an oasis?
fertile area formed where a hollow reaches the underlying water table
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a canyon?


deep, steep sided valley

Card 3


what is a mesa?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a butte?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a alluvial fan?


Preview of the front of card 5
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? Secret - Team GR


Love this <3 thank you !!

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