Soviet denazification. 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGermany 1945 to 1991A2/A-levelAQA Created by: Amelia Louise HarrisCreated on: 03-02-16 09:44 What was the Soviet interpritation of Nazism rooted in? Socio-economic conditions. 1 of 17 When was the non-fraternisation policy dropped? September 1945. 2 of 17 Where was the focus on removing Nazis? Education and political administration. 3 of 17 how many Nazis were removed from government and industry by 1948? 520,000 4 of 17 What were internment camps modeled on? Soviet Gulags. 5 of 17 Who did the Soviet supposedly put in the internment camps? Nazi criminals. 6 of 17 Who did the Soviets actually put in the internment camps? Political opponants, the inteligencia, the bougeoise, aristocrats and capitalists. 7 of 17 How many Germans were interned? Aproximmatley 154,000 8 of 17 How many Germans died in internmnet camps? 43,000 9 of 17 How many new trainee teachers were there by September 1945? 4000 10 of 17 What did the Soviets re-education programme promote? Socialism. 11 of 17 What were ex-nazi members originally only employable as? Reconstruction and conscription workers. 12 of 17 How many businesses belonging to 'active Nazis' were closed? 1400 13 of 17 Who did the comittee for the Victims of Fascism help? Those who activley fought against the Nazis. 14 of 17 What did the Russians offer ex-Nazis in 1947? A general amnesty if they were willig to help further the soviet cause. 15 of 17 When were the restrictions on Nazis activities and rights removed? 1948/9 16 of 17 Who got full citizenship in 1952? all ez-Nazis who were not war criminals. 17 of 17
AQA A2 History Germany 1945-1991 Denazification implementation and process of Eastern and Western Germany 0.0 / 5
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