Definition flashcards unit 1 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryASOCR Created by: September HallCreated on: 11-04-13 17:11 How to test for halides? Use silver nitrate (AgNO3) 1 of 8 An intermolecular force Van der waals 2 of 8 Define covelant bonding Two or more elements sharing a pair of electrons 3 of 8 Define ionic bonding Electrostatic attraction between two or more oppositely charged ions 4 of 8 Define relative atomic mass The weighted mean mass of an atom of an element or isotope relative to 1/12 of the carbon 12 element 5 of 8 Define metallic bonding Positively charged ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electrons 6 of 8 A reaction which is oxidised And reduced Differentiation reaction 7 of 8 OILRIG Oxidisation is lost, reduction is gain 8 of 8
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