Debussy 0.0 / 5 ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: XxNieve_LouisexXCreated on: 09-12-17 19:00 When was Claude Debussy born? 1862 1 of 25 When did Claude Debussy die? 1918 2 of 25 Nationality? French 3 of 25 What century End of nineteenth, early twentieth 4 of 25 What type of composer is he usually described as? Impressionist 5 of 25 What did his music break away from? German Romantic Tradition 6 of 25 Who were some french impressionist painters at the time? Monet and Pissarro 7 of 25 What were these painter known for painting? Nature (rivers, floods, snow or flowers) 8 of 25 How does this link with Debussy? He also wrote pieces based on nature such as wind in the plain, clouds, sea. 9 of 25 What were painters and musicians also fascinated by at this time? Art coming from the far East. 10 of 25 What artist included Japanese prints in their works? Van Gogh 11 of 25 In what piece does Debussy also show particular interest? 'Pagodes' 12 of 25 What were Northern European musicians constantly on a search for? exotic and new - different worldly sound 13 of 25 Why did they do this? To break as far away as the German Romantic Tradition as possible 14 of 25 What was Debussy proud of? His french heritage 15 of 25 How did he show this? Put french performance markings in his pieces. 16 of 25 How did this also break away from the tradition of German romantic music He used a different language 17 of 25 What is Estampes a set of? Three piano pieces 18 of 25 When did he compose Estampes? 1903 19 of 25 What was a typical characteristic is German Rom Music? Extreme length to their pieces 20 of 25 What did Debussy (and other composers) do to counteract this? Concentrated on making the pieces much smaller 21 of 25 What were Debussy's melodies like? Very short, pentatonic and modal 22 of 25 Where is there an example of a very short melody? Two-bar melody at the beginning of 'Pagodes' 23 of 25 What were the pentatonic and modal melodies an influence of? Eastern music and western folk influences 24 of 25 What chords did Debussy try to avoid? Tonic and dominant (also traditional modulation) 25 of 25
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