D1 OCR Graph Definitions 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? MathematicsGraphs and transformationsASOCR Created by: Josh WilliamsCreated on: 15-05-13 12:30 A graph which has exactly 2 odd nodes Semi-eulerian graph 1 of 11 A sequence of arcs such that the end of one is the start of another A trail 2 of 11 A trail where no node is passed through more than once A path 3 of 11 A graph which has no odd nodes Eulerian graph 4 of 11 A closed trail where only the start and end nodes are the same A cycle 5 of 11 A connected graph that has a closed trail containing every arc once and only once Eulerian graph 6 of 11 A connected graph with no cycles A tree 7 of 11 A graph with weighted edges A network 8 of 11 A graph which goes through every node Hamilton cycle 9 of 11 A graph which has no loops or multiple arcs Simple graph 10 of 11 A graph which has two sets of nodes Bipartite graph 11 of 11
D1 Decision Maths OCR - Everything you need sortened - with pictures to demonstrate 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended