Cuts and Transitions cu 0.0 / 5 ? Film StudiesCuts and Transition A2/A-levelWJEC Created by: kskinnerCreated on: 17-04-18 19:03 Match Cut cut from one shot to a similar shot by either matching the action or composition 1 of 13 Cutting on Action cutting while there is movement on-screen 2 of 13 Cutaway cutting to an insert shot an then back 3 of 13 Jump Cuts disjointed edits in the same shot or action 4 of 13 Cross-cutting back and forth between locations, for example- phone call 5 of 13 Fade in/out to/from black 6 of 13 Dissolve blend shots 7 of 13 Smash Cut abrupt transition 8 of 13 Iris old Fashioned; circle that opens and closes in camera 9 of 13 Wipes screen wipes from one side to the other 10 of 13 Invisible cuts impression of a single take 11 of 13 L-Cut audio transition 12 of 13 J-Cut audio of the next scene starts before you get to it 13 of 13
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