Current and future study and employment 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: dejanai.dd@gmail.comCreated on: 13-11-18 20:07 la chimie Chemistry 1 of 61 le dessin art 2 of 61 l' EPS PE 3 of 61 le francais French 4 of 61 l'informatique IT (information technology) 5 of 61 l' instituteur primary school teacher (male) 6 of 61 l'institutrice primary school teacher (female) 7 of 61 la langue language 8 of 61 la matiere subject 9 of 61 la physique physics 10 of 61 le professeur teacher 11 of 61 la religion religious studies 12 of 61 apprendre to learn 13 of 61 la calculette calculator 14 of 61 le college secondary school 15 of 61 comprendre to understand 16 of 61 le cours lesson 17 of 61 demander to ask 18 of 61 les devoirs homework 19 of 61 la difficulte difficulty 20 of 61 le diplome qualification 21 of 61 le directeur headmaster 22 of 61 la directrice headmistress 23 of 61 discuter to discuss 24 of 61 distributer to give out 25 of 61 le droit right 26 of 61 l'ecole (primaire/secondaire) (primary/secondary) school 27 of 61 l'eleve pupil 28 of 61 emploi du temps timetable 29 of 61 en seconde in year 11 30 of 61 les etudes study 31 of 61 l'etudiant student 32 of 61 l'examen examination 33 of 61 faire attention to pay attention 34 of 61 la lecon lesson 35 of 61 la lecture reading 36 of 61 lire to read 37 of 61 le maquillage make up 38 of 61 la note mark 39 of 61 oublier to forget 40 of 61 passer un examen to sit an exam 41 of 61 la pause break,pause 42 of 61 penser to think 43 of 61 permettre to allow, permit 44 of 61 porter to wear, carry 45 of 61 la pression pressure 46 of 61 la recre(ation) break 47 of 61 la regle rule 48 of 61 le reglement school rules 49 of 61 la rentree return to school 50 of 61 repeter to repeat 51 of 61 la response reply 52 of 61 le resultat result 53 of 61 reussir un examen to pass an exam 54 of 61 salle de classe classroom 55 of 61 savoir to know 56 of 61 scolaire school 57 of 61 le tableau board 58 of 61 terrain de sport sports ground 59 of 61 le trimestre term 60 of 61 trouver to find 61 of 61
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