Cultural diveristy, multiculturalism and cutural hybridity 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCulture and SocialisationA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Joey0208Created on: 05-10-15 12:26 The cultural differences and variety found un society Cultural diversity 1 of 7 Cutural differences between cultures Intercultural diversity 2 of 7 Cutural differences within cultures Intracultural diversity 3 of 7 Promotion of cultural diversity, related to different ethic cultures Multiculturalism 4 of 7 Two or more cultures merge Cultural hybridity 5 of 7 Forms of culture tha do not have historical roots Creolisation 6 of 7 Sociologist who stuided creolisation Hannerz 7 of 7
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