Large groups of people move from urban areas into surrounding countryside or rural areas.
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Where people scatter from their homeland to places across the globe, spreading their culture as they go.
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Emotional attachment
Emotions associated with people-place bonding.
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Gated community
A form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances for pedestrians, bicycles and automobiles.
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The process by which wealthier people move into, renovate, and restore and sometimes business in inner cities or other deteriorated areas formerly home to poorer people.
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Global village
A phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan to describe that the world has been 'shrunk' by modern advances in communications.
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Defined as the increasing process of interdependence and interconnected between different political, social amd economic components of the world.
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A house and its occupants regarded as a unit.
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Internal migration
The movement of people from one defined area to another within a country.
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The acronym refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
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Life cycle
The course of developmental changes through which a organsim passes from its inception through the stage at which it reproduces.
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Media agency (formal and informal)
These advice comapnies on how and where to advertise, and on how to present a positive picture of themselves to the public.
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Place is space given meaning, a meaniful location. A physical location
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Space is the physical dimension in which things exsist. One person's 'space' might be another person's 'place'
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Urban rebranding
The way or ways in which a place is redeveloped and marketed so that it gains a new identity. It can attract new investors and visitors. It may involve both re-imaging and regeneration.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where people scatter from their homeland to places across the globe, spreading their culture as they go.
Card 3
Emotions associated with people-place bonding.
Card 4
A form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances for pedestrians, bicycles and automobiles.
Card 5
The process by which wealthier people move into, renovate, and restore and sometimes business in inner cities or other deteriorated areas formerly home to poorer people.
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