C.S. EOY Flashcards

the part of a computer that is physical
1 of 14
the systems that run on a computer
2 of 14
Face recognition
Identified through the facial structure
3 of 14
Fingerprint recognition
Identified through the ridges on the fingertip
4 of 14
Voice recognition
Identified through vocal patterns and tone
5 of 14
Hand geometry recognition
Identified through hand geometry
6 of 14
Video recorder
it allowed families to watch TV shows and movies on their own schedule.
7 of 14
Music centre
it let families enjoy high-quality music together at home.
8 of 14
Home computer
it enabled families to access educational resources and new forms of entertainment at home.
9 of 14
Gaming consoles
it provided a new form of interactive entertainment that families could enjoy together at home.
10 of 14
Streaming services
it made it easy for families to watch a wide range of shows and movies together whenever they wanted
11 of 14
Smart devices
it allowed for families to be more efficient in home management
12 of 14
Sensors in cycling
A laser distance sensor measures brake force, a yaw sensor tracks bike angles in turns, and a pressure tool gauges air pressure behind the rider, all sending data wirelessly to a computer via a bike-mounted antenna. This helps improve bike aerodynamics an
13 of 14
Sensors in F1
Sensors like pitot tubes at the front and aero rakes at the rear of the car measure air pressure, helping engineers understand how air flows around the car. This data is analysed using computers to enhance the car's aerodynamics for better performance.
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


the systems that run on a computer



Card 3


Identified through the facial structure


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Identified through the ridges on the fingertip


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Identified through vocal patterns and tone


Preview of the back of card 5
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