Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? ICTSpreadsheets and DatabasesGCSECCEA Created by: lukemccannCreated on: 16-11-17 12:53 Must remain the same when it is copied in some cases. Absolute Cell Reference 1 of 10 The cell currently being used Active Cell 2 of 10 All of these have a column reference Cell 3 of 10 The highest value in the cell MAX 4 of 10 Finds the lowest value in the cell MIN 5 of 10 Calculates the total value in the cell SUM 6 of 10 The process of ensuring that a program operates on correct data Data Validation 7 of 10 A way of asking a question Query 8 of 10 Used to produce personalised custom letters. Mail Merge 9 of 10 Uniquely identifies each record in a table. Autonumber 10 of 10
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