crime&deviance - Surveillance

  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 13-03-19 16:28
what is the definition of surveillance?
monitering of public behaviour for thepurposes of population or crime control
1 of 10
what are the two different forms of punishment Foucault found?
sovereign power and disciplinary power
2 of 10
what is the sovereign punishment?
19th century, monarch had power over public, showed this through visible punishment on the body such as disfiguring
3 of 10
what is the discplinary punishment?
this is a control system to control not just the body but the mind through surveillence instead of through bodily harm
4 of 10
why did the disciplnary punishment overthrow the sovereign punishment?
becasue Foucault believed surveillance is a more effective way of controlling people
5 of 10
how does Foucault illistrate disciplnary power?
through the panopticon
6 of 10
what is the panopticon designed for?
it is designed for prisons- guards can see each prisoner in their cell but the prisoner can not see the guards and do not know when they are being watched
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what do the prisoners know about the panopticon?
they know that they are being watched, but they do not know when, therefore they have to behave at all times
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what are other examples of institutions that start by using discplinary power as a form of self serveillance?
mental asylums, factories and schools
9 of 10
what is a disadvantage to Foucaults discovery?
he over exaggerates surveillance, for example CCTV is a type of a panopticon but it doesnt actually stop crime from happening
10 of 10

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Card 2


what are the two different forms of punishment Foucault found?


sovereign power and disciplinary power

Card 3


what is the sovereign punishment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the discplinary punishment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why did the disciplnary punishment overthrow the sovereign punishment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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