-Crime reported to the police by the public
-90% of crime police deal w/ is reported to them by the public
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What is recorded crime?
-Crime reported to the police that they process as a crime
-accounts for roughly 2/3 of all crime
-only 40% of reported crime gets recorded due to the discretionary powers of police
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Reasons for a lack of crime reporting
-Fear of reprisal
-Fear of not being taken seriously
-Difficulty in detection (e.g fraud victims aren't aware they're victims)
-Difficulty obtaining proof
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What is the British Crime Survey?
-Victim study
-Asks if people have been victims of crime in the last year
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What did the BCS find?
-Most crime is property related
-1/5 of all crime is violent
-Crime peaked in 1995 and has declined since
-16-24 year old males are most likley victims of violence
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Which group does the media present as most criminal?
-Young working class
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What type of crime does the media ignore and why?
-White collar crime
-Harder to detect and proove
-Lighter/less prosecution
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What are self report studies?
-Ask people if they've committed a crime
-Can find victimless crimes (e.g drugs and prostitution)
-excludes hidden crimes (e.g domestic abuse)
-shows that most commit crime at some point in life
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is recorded crime?
-Crime reported to the police that they process as a crime
-accounts for roughly 2/3 of all crime
-only 40% of reported crime gets recorded due to the discretionary powers of police
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