Crime & Deviance: Topic 4

  • Created by: Ashley2K
  • Created on: 17-06-17 14:36
How does right realism view crime?
Right realism sees crime as a growing problem destroying communities, undermining social cohesion and threatening society's work ethic. They criticise labelling theory for being too sympathetic and not suggesting any practical solutions.
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What are the three causes of crime according to right realists?
1. Individual biological differences 2. Inadequate socialisation and the underclass 3. The rational choice to offend
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How do right realists suggest biological differences cause crime?
Right realists believe crime is caused by a combination of biological and social functions. Biological differences make some people innately more strongly predisposed to commit crime than others.
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How do right realists suggest socialisation and the underclass cuause crime?
Right realists believe the crime rate is increasing because of a growing underclass defined by deviant behaviour and those who fail to socialise their children properly. Lone mothers are viewed as ineffective socialisation agents, especially for boys
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How do right realists argue rational choice theory cause crime?
Right realists argue that the decision to commit crime is a choice based on rational calculation of the likely consequences, if the percieved rewards of crime outweigh the perceived costs, then people are more likely to offend. To prevent this right
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How do right realists argue rational choice theory cause crime? (2)
realists believe we should adopt a strong punishment system.
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Give two criticisms of right realism.
1. Ignores wider structural causes such as poverty 2. It overstates offenders' rationality and how far they make cost-benefit calculations before committing a crime.
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What two factors was left realism a response to?
1. The need to take the rising crime rate seriously and produce practical solutions 2. the influence of right realism on government policy.
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How do left realists view capitalism?
They view it similarly to Marxists suggesting society is unequal, however left realists are reformist rather than revolutionary socialists. They are looking for practical solutions.
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Why do left-realists accuse other sociologists of not taking crime seriously?
1. Marxists: put too much blame on crimes of the powerful 2. Neo-Marxists: romanticise working class criminals 3. Labelling theorists: see working class criminals as victims of labelling
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What three causes of crime are suggested by left realists?
Left realists suggest the three causes of crime are relative deprivation, marginalisation and subculture.
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How do left realists believe relative deprivation causes crime?
He believes that crime has its roots in deprivation, they identify how deprived someone feels in relation to others, this makes others view the system as unfair pushing them to crime.
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How do left realists believe marginalisation causes crime?
Left realists believe marginalised groups such as the unemployed youth have no organisation to represent them and no clear goals, just a sense of resentment and frustration, causing criminal means such as violence.
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How do left realists believe subcultures cause crime?
Left realists believe subcultures share views that differ to those of society.
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How do left realists argue we should tackle crime?
Left realists argue we must improve both policing and control and deal with the deeper structural causes of crime.
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What are left realists views on government policy?
Left realist views on government policy has strong with the New Labour stance of being 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime' However, they acknowledge these may be nostalgic 50's.
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Give two criticisms of left realism.
1. Marxists argue it fails to explain corporate crime 2. Relative deprivation cannot fully explain crime because not all those who experience it commit crime.
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Card 2


What are the three causes of crime according to right realists?


1. Individual biological differences 2. Inadequate socialisation and the underclass 3. The rational choice to offend

Card 3


How do right realists suggest biological differences cause crime?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do right realists suggest socialisation and the underclass cuause crime?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do right realists argue rational choice theory cause crime?


Preview of the front of card 5
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