crime and deviance, social order and control 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Ashlea11314Created on: 30-05-18 10:56 Cohen's subcultural theory status frustration 1 of 33 Cloward and Ohlin's subcultural theory opportunity structures 2 of 33 Miller's subcultural theory focal concerns 3 of 33 Lemert's labelling theory primary and secondary deviance 4 of 33 Young and Chambliss' labelling research Hippies, saints and roughnecks 5 of 33 Becker's labelling theory says deviance is... socially constructed 6 of 33 Functionalists say that crime ___ certain secions of society benefits 7 of 33 Merton's theory American dream 8 of 33 Innovation means to achieve the American Dream but illegally e.g..... fraud 9 of 33 Ritualism means to give up on the American Dream through a e.g...... dead end job 10 of 33 retreatism means to give up on American Dream and engage in criminal behaviour such as ...... drugs 11 of 33 rebellion means to reject the American Dream and adopt an illegal alternative e.g..... terrorism or protest 12 of 33 neo marxist Taylor states that research should be a _____ ______ theory of crime and deviance fully social 13 of 33 Hall's research looks at _____ _______ in the 70's black muggings 14 of 33 Crime provides _____ for society jobs 15 of 33 functionalists believe that crime reinforces ...... boundary maintenance 16 of 33 crime raises awareness of inequality so ______ can be adapted reform 17 of 33 Durkheim says crime challenges _____ and ______ norms and values 18 of 33 Becker looks at the idea of ______ labels master 19 of 33 right realists say that people weight up the _____ vs the ________ costs vs benefits 20 of 33 Murray suggests lone parents and poor __________ to be the cause of crime socialisation 21 of 33 Right realist's ideas of tackling crime is through ...... zero tolerance 22 of 33 left realists think the causes of crime are ...... relative derprivation and marginalisation 23 of 33 The solution to crime (left realists) is through ..... informal social control 24 of 33 Young and Lea say crime is often the working class _______ the woring class against 25 of 33 Left realists want to give better _____________ to those who commit crime opportunities 26 of 33 Martin Luther King was a positive ...... deviant 27 of 33 the first theory of marxism is the ..... criminogenic capitalism 28 of 33 the criminogenic capitalism states that ________ causes crime consumerism 29 of 33 the second theory of marxism is the ..... state and law making 30 of 33 state and law making is said to only benefit ..... capitalism 31 of 33 the third theory of marxism is .... selective enforcement 32 of 33 selective enforcement's method is to ______ and ____ to create a false class conciousness divide and rule 33 of 33
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