Crime and Deviance functionalism 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceCulture and SocialisationA2/A-levelNone Created by: frankie5199Created on: 10-10-17 23:01 Functionalists view on crime Certain amount of crime is functional for society. Controlled by law agencies. 1 of 5 Durkheim- 5 functions of crime 1) reaffirming the boundaries. 2) changing values. 3) social cohension. 4) safety valve. 5) warning device 2 of 5 Merton Strain theory- societies have goals that members are encouraged to achieve. Deviance arises when the goal does not correspond with situation. 3 of 5 Anomie normlessness- people are unsure of the norms 4 of 5 Subcultural theory certain groups develop norms and values different to other members of society 5 of 5
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