Creationism Types (Evolutionism End)

  • Created by: noilyzzil
  • Created on: 29-04-15 20:33
Philosophical Materialistic Evolutionism
atheism - there is no God or supernature, science will one day have an answer for everything
1 of 6
Methodological Materialistic Evolutionism
God doesn't interfere with evolution, the mechanism for creation
2 of 6
Theistic Evolutionism
Evolution mechanism for creation, science can't explain all e.g. soul, variety of views on intervention
3 of 6
Evolutionary Creationism
nature has no existence without God's will, literal Gen.1 and science - adam not necessarily biologically first, but first spiritually awake
4 of 6
Intelligent design Creationism
Anti-evolutionary, life so complex it has a designer, calls self scientific
5 of 6
Progressive Creationism
Big bang evidence of God's power, created each thing in sequence not related to older species
6 of 6

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Card 2


God doesn't interfere with evolution, the mechanism for creation


Methodological Materialistic Evolutionism

Card 3


Evolution mechanism for creation, science can't explain all e.g. soul, variety of views on intervention


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Card 4


nature has no existence without God's will, literal Gen.1 and science - adam not necessarily biologically first, but first spiritually awake


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Card 5


Anti-evolutionary, life so complex it has a designer, calls self scientific


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