Cracking 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryReactionsASAQA Created by: Sopha8Created on: 21-05-14 17:43 What is cracking? why is it done? breaking long chain alkanes into smaller hydrocarbons, high deman products 1 of 5 What are the conditions for thermal cracking? 1000oc and 70atm 2 of 5 Which type of cracking produces mainly alkenes? thermal 3 of 5 What are the conidtionsfor catalytic cracking? zeolite catalyst-lowers pressure and temp only 450oc 4 of 5 What are the positives and negatives of the 2 types of cracking? thermal- negative=high temps- expensive, damage environment, positive=even residue, catalytic-negative=shorter chains, positive=catalyst speed up reaction & lower temp so cuts costs 5 of 5
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