Cracking 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ChemistryGreen ChemistryASAQA Created by: Jodie-LeighCreated on: 13-11-12 12:02 These bonds are broken in thermal cracking Covalent 1 of 14 Cracking is breaking long chains of hydrogen and _______ Carbon 2 of 14 Used to speed up the process catalyst 3 of 14 Products include a ______ chain alkane shorter 4 of 14 _______________ bonds are broken in thermal cracking carbon-carbon 5 of 14 1 electron goes to each carbon hetrolytic 6 of 14 catalytic cracking takes place at _______ temperatures than thermal cracking lower 7 of 14 type of catalyst used in catalytic cracking zeolites 8 of 14 the catalyst used in catalytic cracking has a enormous __________ area surface 9 of 14 catalytic cracking is mainly used for motor _________ fuels 10 of 14 Products obtained for cracking are seperated by _______ Fractional distillation 11 of 14 In catalytic cracking products are mainly ________ gases 12 of 14 A test for alkenes include using _______ solution bromine 13 of 14 Cracking is used to get ____________chained alkanes from long chained hydrocarbons shorter 14 of 14
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