CPU terms 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingHardware componentsASNone Created by: Dave1010Created on: 01-10-18 21:34 Does mathmatical and logical operations ALU 1 of 12 Controls the flow of data around the CPU and manages I/O devices Control Unit 2 of 12 Stores the immediate result of a calculation Accumulator 3 of 12 very fast but very small memory store in built into the CPU register 4 of 12 fast but fairly small memory that stores commonly used instructions cache 5 of 12 a type of CPU architecture where program are copied to and loaded from main memory Von Neumann 6 of 12 set of parallel wires that data is sent along bus 7 of 12 a measure of how many clock cycles are done in a second clock speed 8 of 12 where the address of the next instruction to be loaded from memory is located MAR 9 of 12 volatile and fast storage that programs and data are copied to, in order to be processed by the CPU RAM 10 of 12 a tiny crytsal that ticks and synchronises the timings of the CPU clock 11 of 12 A buffer register used to hold the data just accessed from main memory MDR 12 of 12
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