CPU Architecture 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingHardware componentsASAQA Created by: jordan_leCreated on: 02-12-19 10:58 Processor Executes program instructions in order to run applications. 1 of 8 Main Memory Stores instructions and frequently used data that the CPU uses to fetch and execute. 2 of 8 Address Bus Used to transport memory addresses, specifying where data is sent and retrieved from. 3 of 8 Data Bus Sends data and instructions to and from different parts of the system. 4 of 8 Control Bus Carries the computers clock signal || Regulates the operations of computer systems. 5 of 8 I/O Controllers Hardware that controls the communication of signals between the Processor and External Devices. 6 of 8 Harvard Architecture There is two separate pieces of Main Memory, the Data and Instruction. 7 of 8 Von Neumann Architecture There is one piece of Main Memory, this generally performs worse than the Harvard Architecture. 8 of 8
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