CPU 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: TheSquidKingCreated on: 18-10-17 10:23 Stores the result of any arithmetic or logical operations carried out by the ALU Accumilator 1 of 19 Stores the next instruction ready to be decoded CIR 2 of 19 Hold memory addresses before they go down to the memory bus MAR 3 of 19 Stores an instruction via data bus MDR 4 of 19 Stores the location of the next instruction in a program to be executed. Program counter 5 of 19 is a measure of how many F/E cycles per second Clock speed 6 of 19 is a super fast memory that stores the most commonly used instruction Cache 7 of 19 Used to preform arithmetic and logic operations. ALU 8 of 19 The control unit tells the ALU, input and output devices how to respond to instuctions CU 9 of 19 Instructions are sent to this Cores 10 of 19 Allows you to access or store data on a disk Optical Drive 11 of 19 Protects the internal pieces Chassis 12 of 19 Converts data into pictures/video Graphics Card 13 of 19 Powers all internal pieces Power supply 14 of 19 Holds the long term memory Hard drive 15 of 19 Holds the short term memory Random Access Memory 16 of 19 This sends control signals to the other parts of the computer CPU 17 of 19 Allow the pieces connected to it to communicate to each other Motherboard 18 of 19 Turns data into sound Connects to the motherboard, creates sound from speakers, and microphone Sound Card 19 of 19
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