costs 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Business StudiesFinanceGCSENone Created by: Alex190702Created on: 27-02-18 11:45 Running costs A regular payment made by the business to keep it running such as salraies, fuel and utility bills. 1 of 7 Start-up costs It is a one-off payment at the start of the business and isn't paid regularly after that e.g. car or premises. 2 of 7 Expansion costs The cost of a business to expand and improve. Such as new premises, new staff, adding new production lines etc. 3 of 7 Short-term liability A debt the business owes than can and will be paid under 1 year. 4 of 7 Long-term liability A debt the business owes that will take the business over 1 year to pay. 5 of 7 Short-term asset Something the business owns but for under 1 year such as stock. 6 of 7 Long-term asset Something the business owns for longer than over 1 year. 7 of 7
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