Cosmological Argument (first cause)

  • Created by: Erinw0308
  • Created on: 24-11-21 09:50
What is the cosmological argument?
Everything has a cause. Everything has a creator. There is one uncaused cause.
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Who made it?
About him:
St Thomas Aquinas
He wrote a book about it called the Suma Theologica in the 13th century. He said the universe can not have just created itself. According to him God is the uncaused cause. Cannot have an infinite amount of causes.
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Strengths of the cosmological argument
Everything needs a cause.
It explains what caused the universe to exist.
Makes sense to say God is the uncaused cause because if something created him then he would not be the creator.
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Weaknesses of the cosmological argument
There could be an endless chain reaction of causes that goes back forever.
The big bang could be the first cause.
Contradicts itself as everything needs a cause but God is the uncaused cause.
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Card 2


Who made it?
About him:


St Thomas Aquinas
He wrote a book about it called the Suma Theologica in the 13th century. He said the universe can not have just created itself. According to him God is the uncaused cause. Cannot have an infinite amount of causes.

Card 3


Strengths of the cosmological argument


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Card 4


Weaknesses of the cosmological argument


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Card 5


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