Core Studies - Dement and Kleitman

Brief overview of Dement and Kleitman's study of REM sleep patterns and dreaming - the basics

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 30-04-13 12:02
What does 'REM' stand for?
Rapid eye movement - stage of sleep, thought to occur when dreaming.
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What was the aim of Dement and Kleitman's study?
To investigate the relationship between rapid eye movements and dreaming.
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Give 3 hypotheses of D&K
There will be: 1) a significant relationship between REM sleep and dreaming; 2) A positive correlation between the duration of dreams and the length of eye movement; 3) A relationship between pattern of eye movement and context of the dream.
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Give information about the sample in D&K's study
9 participants (7 male, 2 female); 5 studied intensively, 4 used to confirm findings
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What research method was used in D&K's study?
Lab experiment
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What do EEG, EMG, and EOG measure?
EEG - measures brain activity (electrodes placed on head); EMG - measures muscle activity (electrodes placed around jaw); EOG - measures eye movement (electrodes placed around eye sockets).
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Briefly outline the procedure used to test participants in D&K's study
Participants were tested individually. Reported to the sleeping lab just before bed. Asked to avoid caffeine throughout the day. Participants slept in a dark, quiet room. Electrodes placed on the face, brainwaves were recorded.
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How did researchers test whether REM sleep and dreaming were associated?
Participants were awoken at various points through the night (by a bell) and asked to recall their dream into a tape recorder by their bed. Recorded by researchers if detailed enough.
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How did researchers test whether there was a correlation between duration of dream and eye movement?
Woken every 5 or 15 mins during REM sleep, participants were asked how long they believed they had slept for 5 or 15 mins.
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How did researchers test whether patterns of eye movement and context of the dream were associated?
Participants were woken if researchers saw the following behaviour for more than 1 min: 1) mainly vertical eye movement, 2) mainly horizontal, 3) both, 4) very little or none at all. Asked to recall context of dream.
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Give results to suggest that REM sleep and dreaming are associated
80% of participants recalled a dream after REM sleep; 93% of participants recalled no dream after (non) N-REM sleep. Dream recall after N-REM occurred later, so could be an earlier REM sleep memory.
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Give results to suggest that a longer dream results in a longer period of eye movement
90% of participants who were woken after 5 mins of REM sleep guessed the period of time correctly; 78% woken after 15 mins guessed correctly.
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Give results to suggest that patterns of eye movement and context of dreams are associated
After vertical eye movement, participants reported dreams in which they were 'climbing up a ladder and looking up and down', and 'standing at the top of a cliff'. 10 cases of no eye movement occurred - recalled staring at into the distance
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Give 2 strengths of D&K's study
1) Lab experiment - controlled, no confounding variables; 2) Standardised - high level of repeatability
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Give 2 weaknesses of D&K's study
1) Low ecological validity - unusual setting, unusual sleeping patterns; 2) Sample - not generalisable, androcentric
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Card 2


What was the aim of Dement and Kleitman's study?


To investigate the relationship between rapid eye movements and dreaming.

Card 3


Give 3 hypotheses of D&K


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give information about the sample in D&K's study


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What research method was used in D&K's study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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A very useful set of 15 cards which relate to OCR's core studies, many thanks.

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