Core Areas Social Psychology Term Two Keywords
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- Created by: PsycSaph
- Created on: 03-04-19 14:33
parents are more demanding and less responsive
1 of 85
parents are both demanding and responsive
2 of 85
others ideas taken on board and internalised
3 of 85
Autokinetic effect
a visual illusion that light is thought to move in dark when there is no reference item
4 of 85
Authoritarian personality
conventionalism, submission to authority and aggression
5 of 85
Asserting uniqueness
reclaiming individuality by not conforming to norms of too-similar others
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an action that is performed to benefit a person without benefitting the self
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Altruistic personality
a stable psychological makeup that predisposes people to help others
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persons evaluations of various aspects of their social world
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Attitude to behavior process model
sometimes behaviour is determined by attitudes in a more autonomic process
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Averageness effect
the finding that people prefer average or prototypical faces to faces that have distinctive features
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a form of social organisation characterised by preference for, and submission to, authority
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Black sheep effect
derogation of deviant or marginal ingroup members
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Bystander intervention
act of helping a person in danger/distress by people who are not its cause
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change own beliefs to match that of others
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outward change of behaviour to gain reward and avoid punishment
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Cooperation decisions
that sacrifice the persons interests for the sake of the group
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Cognitive dissonance
unpleasant psychological state of tension/discomfort that occurs when people notice inconsistency in behaviour and attitudes
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Causal attribution
the process of assigning a cause to an event or behaviour
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Correspondent inference theory
the attribution of a personality trait that corresponded to an observed behaviour
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Covariation theory
the attribution of events to conditions that tend to be present when the event happens and absent when it doesn’t
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Consensus information
the extent to which other people react in the same way to a particular stimulus
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Consistency information
the extent to which a person reacts to same situation in different occasions
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the idea that people seek out traits in potential relationship partners that complement, or add what is missing, to their own
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tendency of people in groups to abandon normal constraints on beh
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Deflection decisions
persons interests at the expense of the group
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Direct approach
changing attitudes
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Distinctiveness Information
whether behaviour happens to this specific stimulus or that
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Dialectic principle
desire for privacy can vary from being open or closed to others
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negative treatment of a group member simply because of their group membership
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Enforced norms
receive rewards or avoid punishments
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Emergent norm theory
beh in crowds is a result of social norms
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Excitation theory
a phenomenon that occurs when the arousal from one stimulus is added to the arousal of a second stimulus
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False consensus effect
own behaviour are more typical than they are
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False uniqueness effect
more likely to perform positive behaviour than others
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two or more individuals perceive themselves to be members of the same social category
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Group socialisation
the process of groups as a while and group members coming together to meet each-others needs and accomplish goals over time
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Group cohesion
the degree to which the group holds together as an entity
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Group behaviour
beh displayed by people who are acting within and as a group
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Group action
beh by group members that is coordinated in order to achieve a common goal
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Group polarisation
group interaction strengthens initial learnings of group member so that attitudes become polarised
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Group think
made of thinking that groups engage in when cohesion seems more important
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Internalized norms
we believe that they are right
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Informational influence
desire to be right
44 of 85
Indirect approach
reduce discomfort
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A social group to which you belong
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Intergroup processes
Situations, cognitions, beliefs, and feelings that arise when people from different groups interact with or think about each other
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Kin selection
acting different towards members of the same species based on their degree of genetic relatedness to the self
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Law of attraction
attraction towards a person is directly and linearly related to the proportion of attitudes that one shares with that person
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Motivated actions
attributions and judgement are determined by personal motives
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Matching phenomenon
the tendency for individuals to choose as partners people who are similar match to themselves in terms of their physical attractiveness
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a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that coexists with but is subordinate to a more dominant group
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Minimal group
ingroups and outgroups form on trivial, highly context-specific features
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uniformities of behaviour and attitudes that determine, organise and differentiate groups from other groups
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Normative influence
desire to be liked
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Need to affiliate
motive to seek and maintain relationships with others
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following without internalising associated beliefs
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Optimization principle
try to align our desired level of contact with our actual level of contact with others
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A social group to which you do not belong
59 of 85
parents are less demanding and more responsive
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Proximity effect
being or living close to others can facilitate attraction and relationship formation
61 of 85
Physical attractiveness stereotype
the tendency for people to assume that attractive people possess other socially desirable traits in addition to their looks
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more ‘face-like’ and therefore more familiar
63 of 85
negative, affective prejudgement about a group and its individual members
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expectations shared by group members about how particular people in the group as supposed to behave
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people are encouraged to strike out at a society they are led to believe is wrong/immoral
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Referent information influence
people conform to group norm because they are group members
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deliberately reacting against influence attempt
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Reciprocal altruism
animals act altruistically towards members of the same species that have already helped them
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Social psychology
scientific methods to understand and explain how thought, feeling and behaviour of individuals is influenced by actual, imagined or implied presence of others.
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the complete set of beliefs that people have about themselves, which form understanding of who they are
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is the psychological state of being aware of one’s characteristics, feelings and behaviours
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peoples objective appraisal of themselves intrinsically positive or negative
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Socialisation outcomes
Feelings of members and group as a whole about how they functioned to reach group objective
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Social creativity
strategies that group members engage in to maintain esteem of the group
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a group divides into subgroups
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Social facilitation
the process by which the presence of others can facilitate beh
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Social inhibition
process by which the presence of others can hinder beh
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Social loafing
accountability within a group
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Social identity model
result of increased group not loss of individual factors
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Social influence
the effect that others have on our thoughts, feelings and behaviour
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restoring positive self-views when faced with cognitive dissonance
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Self-serving attribution bias
people to attribution events to cause that serve the self
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simplified but widely shared belief about a characteristic of a group and its members
84 of 85
Theory of planned behavioir
people make a decision to behave in a particular way as a result of a sequence of rational thought processes
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
parents are both demanding and responsive
Card 3

Card 4
Autokinetic effect

Card 5
Authoritarian personality

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